Heart Rhythm Meditation (HRM) is a meditation practice that coordinates the breath with the heartbeat. This generates a powerful internal rhythm that creates heart coherence which is a state of balance with the head, heart, and body.
By giving our hearts our attention and our breath, we can energize and heal our hearts. Breath is a tool we use to bring energy into our hearts. The simple act of breathing consciously and rhythmically will energize your heart and tune it and heal its wounds.
Heart Rhythm Meditation connects you to your heart through contact with your heartbeat.
This is a direct approach to the heart that can bring change quickly and efficiently. Working with the heart doesn’t need to replace other therapies and is a safe self-help tool which can bring tangible results. It will also help you maintain any progress you have already made with other healing practices.
Heart Rhythm Meditation Practices
I have recorded some basic heart rhythm meditation for you here.
HRM practices can be done at home or any quiet place. Once you learn the basic breathing practices you can use them throughout the day, anytime you want to. Learning how to breathe is a key to all meditation, and a key to good health and happiness.
Heart Rhythm Practice slows the heart rate and makes it more regular. It lowers blood pressure, increases circulation, and creates coherence in your heart rate variability. This is a state of harmony and balance within your body and mind. It is a state of optimal health and a centering place where you can go to recharge and heal any time you want.
Heart Rhythm Meditation Origins
HRM has been pioneered and taught by Puran and Susanna Bair of IamHeart.org over the past 25 years. Today, there is a University of the Heart which offers a two year degree in the art and science of meditation.
Heart Meditation has been practiced for many centuries, dating back to both early Christianity and Sufism, with traces in Buddhist practices as well. In Christian monasteries, this meditation was known as the Prayer of the Heart and is described in the old Russian classic The Way of the Pilgrim.
Native Americans have used heartbeat drumming practices in their ceremonies.
Heart Healing Practices
Heart Rhythm Meditation can help strengthen and heal our physical heart by increasing heart rate variability and making our heartbeats more regular. The practice creates a powerful rhythm in our hearts that increases our resilience and magnetism. Every minute you spend in awareness of your breath and heartbeat is an investment in your heart’s health and strength.
HRM is a downward meditation where you are centered in your body through connection with your heartbeat. This is healthful to our hearts. Some meditations lift consciousness out of the body but this can lead to disassociation. HRM brings the energy of the universe down into the body through the heart.
See Also:
Heart Rhythm Meditation Course
Easy Meditation Techniques
Meditation Breathing
Heart Rate Variability
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