Heart meditation happens when you focus on your breathing and your heart area at the same time. Think of this as “heart breathing.” The following short audio practice will introduce you to this ability you have.
Heart Meditation is what happens when you sit quietly and breathe in and out of your heart in a slow and rhythmic pattern. If you are starting out you might be able to do this for 3 or 4 minutes. If you do it a few times you should be able to sit for 10-20 minutes. I consider 20 minutes to be about perfect for my meditations.
The beauty of heart meditation practice is that it will bring your attention and awareness into your body, and this is a healing practice because it’s important to be able to feel your body. Too many of us are wrapped up in our minds and totally distracted and unaware of our bodies. This can lead to health issues.
Bringing your attention down into your body will ground you and center you and relax you. This will make you want to practice more to have this more in your life on a regular basis.
As you meditate more regularly you will develop a new inner guidance system that is controlled by your heart. This guidance can be trusted, unlike the guidance you receive from your head.
Heart and Breath – Two Old Friends
Your heart and your breath are like your two oldest and best friends. They have been with you all your life. Your heart starts beating in the womb at about 35 days. You take your first breath when you are born.
Mystics of old discovered that when you merge your breathing with your heartbeat you create a mystical state of awareness that can also be called “meditation.”
When we practice heart meditation or heart rhythm meditation, we are connecting with these two old friends and we spend time with them in our practice.
You may not really know your heart right now but with some simple and enjoyable practices that you will find on this website, you can develop a relationship with your heart that can be fulfilling!
Developing a conscious relationship with your heart is the beginning of a life long friendship.
Through heart meditation your heart begins to speak to you and remind you of what is really important. It can be about your physical health, your mental state, your emotional state and even your spiritual state.
Bring your awareness to your heart center and relax. This helps you shift into heart consciousness.
When you approach life from the heart, you feel more alive and in touch with your authentic self. You start to trust your mind less and your instincts more. You feel guided by an inner knowing which you can rely upon in all situations. You begin to see through alot of the noise in our environment and know what is real and what is not.
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