Chart showing Heart Rate Variability
When you experience heart coherence there is much LESS STRESS on your heart. Your heart beats more slowly and regularly. There is a wavy rhythm to your heartbeats and this impacts your brainwaves, your immune system, your emotional state and your physical state. You are in a state of harmony, balance and heart coherence.
Your heartbeat is constantly changing and the changes are all part of your nervous system. When you are experiencing heart coherence, you feel better. You feel less stress. Your mind slows down, and your heart-rate slows and becomes more regular.
Your Heart Rhythms
The graph left shows a person’s heart rhythms (heart rate variability). Irregular breathing leads to an irregular heart rhythm which is not coherence.
Coherence can be seen in the smooth wave pattern that develops in the heart rhythms during rhythmic breathing. Rhythmic breathing is a key to heart coherence.
Benefits of Coherence Practices:
- Students will be able to focus better on their studies.
- Athletes will be able to stay centered and calm during their competitions.
- Anyone who wants to reduce stress significantly, make their heartbeats more regular, and improve their overall well-being.
- Business people will be able to keep a clear mind and practice coherence before important presentations or just to stay relaxed and work and full of positive energy.
- Spiritual seekers will be taken to that Divine place within that is accessed through the heart.
Heart Rhythm Meditation
Learn how to meditate with Heart Rhythm Meditation. I have recorded meditations for you, based on ancient Sufi Heart Meditation practices and blended with the science of Heart Rate Variability.
You’ll learn the important practice of focusing on your breath and heartbeat. In heart rhythm meditation, the heartbeat is your biofeedback.
The heartbeat is encoded with tons of information about our internal state. In this fantastic, heart-centered practice- you learn how to create a state of coherence and then go deeply into your own heart.
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