Discover these Natural Remedies for How to Lower Blood Pressure.
Mounting research shows that exercises to slow breathing can help reduce elevated blood pressure. — Wall Street Journal
The FDA recently approved a blood pressure monitor that comes with slow breathing instructions. This device is approved to help lower blood pressure. This shows that the FDA now recognizes slow breathing as a viable technique for lowering B.P.
Just practice relaxation breathing or Heart Rhythm Meditation as taught on this site.
Hypertension can be a problem even for young active people. Those who are overweight or suffering the effects of a high salt, high fat diet are at risk of high blood pressure, causing an increased risk of heart disease.
High blood pressure (also known as hypertension) is considered to be a reading above 140/90 mm Hg (systolic/diastolic). Although high blood pressure usually cannot be cured, it can be prevented and managed through the use of lifesytle modifications, including natural remedies.
It’s important to disucss with your doctor whether or not you need medication to control hypertension. But even if you do need medication, the alternative practices described on this page will show you how to lower blood pressure naturally.
High blood pressure is dangerous because it makes your heart work too hard. This website is dedicated to natural practices which help heal the whole heart. I’m referring to the physical heart, the emotional heart, and the spiritual heart.
Causes of Hypertension May Include:
- Age, which causes the arterial walls to lose their elasticity.
- Stress causes the arteries to maintain rigidity.
- Excess Sodium.
- High Fat Diets.
- Excess alcohol intake.
- Being overweight.
- Medications can raise blood pressure.
How to Lower Blood Pressure
Lifestyle Changes can make a difference in managing blood pressure.
- Follow the recommended practices on this website.
- Maintain an optimal weight.
- Limit alcohol consumption.
- Don’t smoke.
- Stay away from processed foods which contain alot of sodium.
- Cut down on the saturated fat in your diet.
- Exercise, even just 30 minutes of walking each day can be a very effective natural remedy for lowering blood pressure.
- Discuss all medications with your doctor and ask about their risk for raising blood pressure.
Practice Slow Breathing
Many studies are now showing how to lower blood pressure by practicing slow breathing for just 45 minutes per week. This method is now FDA approved. Watch this short video to learn more about how regulating your natural breathing cycle can have a significant effect on lowering your B.P.Measuring your B.P. is an important component of learning how to lower Blood Pressure.
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