Meditation breathing is a key to meditating and to self-healing. Breathing is key to all meditation practices.
The single most effective relaxation technique I know is conscious regulation of breath
~ Doctor Andrew Weil
Breathing is something that can be done either consciously or unconsciously. Most people don’t know how to breath consciously and take advantage of the nourishing heart-healthy properties of a full breath.
The Latin word for Breath is Spiritus (spirit). To breathe in is to inspire, to bring in Spirit. We are spirit; we are the breath; we are souls; we are consciousness; we are energy; we are light.
Emotions are energy in motion. How we breathe has a direct effect on how we feel. If we breathe shallowly or erratically, we shall feel that way. If we breathe rhythmically and deeply, our lives can become rhythmic and deep and this is a satisfying way to live.
Dive into this page and become aware of your own breath. Think of it as one of you oldest friends, along with your heart. Your breath and heartbeat have been with you from the beginning of your life and will be with you until the end. Cherish and celebrate these old friends whenever you think of them.
Let this information on meditation breathing show you how to synchronize your breathing with you heartbeat and you’ll start connecting your heart with your mind. When the two are working in harmony you are in the Zone and all things are possible.
It is breath which creates the relaxation response in you. It is your breathing that affects your heart rate, and your heart rhythms.
Breathing is key to self healing and to discovering your inner world.
Coherence Breathing
If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be simply to learn how to breathe correctly ~Doctor Andrew Weil
Discover the healing power of meditation breathing. Connect with your breath consciously. Learn how to breathe coherently.
Use coherence breathing to center, to calm your emotions, to seek guidance from your heart, to enter the state of meditation and more.
Deep, slow breathing oxygenates every cell of your body. Try it now. Breathe easily and more deeply and rhythmically for a few moments. Close your eyes if you can. If you do that for just a minute you will immediately feel calmer and more relaxed.
Rhythmic conscious breathing creates Cardiac Coherence which is a state of balance between your hormonal, immune, cardiovascular and nervous system.
Coherence breathing is the way you learn to face your fears, calm your mind, figure out your purpose in life and perform at your highest level. It will bring out the best in you!
This breathing technique can become part of your normal daily breathing. And when it is embedded into your being, you will be healthier, calmer and have more energy. You will literally become a different person than you are today!
Who you are will begin to shift from your mind to your heart. Living from the Heart becomes a reality. You really can live from the heart and it’s a wonderful way to live. Heart-based living is what is being called for now in these evolutionary times.
Meditation Breathing Recommendations:
1. Unwrap the secrets of your breath and heart rhythms with the emWave2 from HeartMath – It’s the most direct way to learn meditation breathing and get feedback to know that you are doing it correctly.
2. Emwave Desktop – This is a “multi-user desktop stress relief system, ideal for health professionals and families” – Heartmath
This also comes as the Inner Balance Trainer – Made for iPhones, iPads & iTouch devices. It is similar to emWave2.
3. Heart Rhythm Meditation eCourse– Discover meditation at home! It’s hard to find a meditation teacher in your area and then coordinate your schedule with theirs. But a meditation teacher is a great resource to have. Therefore I offer How to Meditate with Heart, an eCourse that you can access right now for free and learn the step-by-step practices of Heart Rhythm Meditation.
Breath is one of the key parts of meditation. Learn Heart Meditation breathing practices and open your heart to the magic within!
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Learning about the breath is sort of like following a trail of evidence which leads back to the Ultimate Source. In studying the breath, one begins by paying attention to the physical breath, and gradually, step by step discovers the glorious Divine Breath which permeates our being.
There are many paths… yet they all lead to the same One. The breath is just one more way to “seek ye first the Kingdom of God”… which is really the goal of every mystical teaching. — wahiduddin
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