Understanding meditation will give you a reason to practice. There’s a lot of agreement about the benefits of meditation but it’s important to know some specifics.
Meditation is like nutrition. It is healthy to eat nutritiously but eating something is better than not eating at all. 20 minutes a day will bring you the benefits mentioned here.
If you can understand meditation you will expand your awareness of your inner self and also the world around you.
1. Lower your blood pressure. Slower, deeper breathing lowers blood pressure.
2. Help your immune system. Meditation improves your immune system.
3. Have more energy. Using a full breath during meditation oxygenates your body completely. This impacts your thinking and energy levels in a positive manner.
4. Balance your nervous system. Heart Rhythm meditation harmonizes your nervous system so that it operates at peak efficiency.
5. Create a more rhythmic heartbeat. Smooth, rhythmic breathing creates a smooth, rhythmic heart-rate. This can even stop arrhythmia.
6. Reduce anxiety. Slow, conscious breathing is one of the best relaxation techniques there is.
7. Integrate life experiences. Sometimes when I meditate I feel like I’m dreaming while awake. It helps to process our thoughts and emotions and integrate them into our being.
8. Self knowledge. Understanding meditation will help you know yourself better. It goes beyond just thinking and you get to the heart of who you are.
9. Appreciation. Another great answer to the question why meditate is that you start to find more things to appreciate, like your breath and your heartbeat and the people and circumstances in your life. Appreciation is a natural outcome of meditating on your heart and appreciation has been scientifically proven to be healthy to your heart.
10. Heal the heart’s wounds. Contemplating your heart is healing. The healing is physical, emotional and spiritual.
Connect with others. Heart Meditation connects you to your own heart. And your heart is connected to all other hearts through the One Heart. By meditating you heal your heart’s wounds and expand your ability to accept others the way they are.
12. Accomplish your Goals. Meditating is a great way to think about your desires, goals, and plans. It will give you more energy to handle life’s challenges.
13. Prioritize. Meditating will help you prioritize what is really important to focus on and to let go of what is not.
14. Expand your consciousness. Meditation lifts your consciousness to new heights. You become more mindful of the way things are.
15. Connect with the Divine Spirit. Spirit, God, Higher Power… Whatever you call it, in meditation you can have the experience of Unity with all things and all beings.
16. By experiencing Unity with the One Being or Spirit, we come to know our unique purpose in life. This may be quite different than what we have been led to believe from our upbringing. This purpose will have a passion and a desire attached to it so you will know that it is something uniquely yours.
17. Find spiritual guidance. Many people are seeking guidance and this can be found inside ourselves through regular practice of meditation and prayer.
18. Be the change you want to see in the world. Meditation will change your inner world and that has to happen before you can change the outer world. Create peace within yourself first and then radiate that into the life around you. We can influence the world in a powerful way.
19. Become present to life. If you can be present to your breath and heart, you can be present. And being present is a gift we can give to others.
20. You will fill your being with love!
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