Use the following tips for a healthy heart to expand your own heart awareness and heart health. From Chaos to Coherence, you will find articles, breathing and meditation practices, biofeedback and more.
Heal, energize and go more deeply into your own heart.
Connect With Your Heart
One of the best things you can do for your heart is to give it your breath and attention. Simply thinking about your heart in the middle of your chest is a great start.
Now connect with your breathing and notice the inhales and exhales. Try to allow your breathing to get a little bit slower and deeper. Allow your breath to become more rhythmic, like an ocean wave.
Think of something, someone, or someplace that you appreciate dearly. Hold that feeling of appreciation in your heart space while continuing to breathe consciously.
Notice how this simple practice makes you feel. Do you feel calmer or more centered? Are you more relaxed. Do you feel less stressed and more confident.
Allow yourself to be comforted by your heart. Think of it as your oldest and best friend.
The Heart Healing Practice:
- Focus on your heart
- Breathe through your heart
- Feel gratitude for something and hold that in your heart
- Notice how you feel and enjoy being with your heart in this way
The Heart Attracts Its Desire Free e-Course
Check out our Free e-Course The Heart Attracts its Desire which teaches you how to connect with your heart and then connect your heart with your mind:
This course is delivered to your email box once a day for five days. That’s it. No additional emails after that.
Each day contains a reading and topics to contemplate or practice. You will learn more about your own heart than you could have imagined. Learn how to open up, receive, meditate and give more completely to yourself and others.
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Related Articles:
- Original Heart Meditation Articles
- The Energetic Heart. Expand your awareness of your own heart.
- Healthy Heart Meditation Shopping
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