These Meditation testimonials are a way to give you a sense of what it’s like to practice heart rhythm meditation.
I teach Heart Rhythm Meditation in person here in Tucson. We have some wonderful local classes. Some people prefer to receive private meditation coaching. This increases convenience for learning and practicing. And now I have packaged heart rhythm meditation into an e Course that is instantly downloadable.
It’s never been easier to learn this ancient practice. The culture of heart is upon us. Your heart is waiting for your breath and your attention. It will respond to your attention with love and gratitude.
This page contains meditation testimonials from my students or people who downloaded our e Course about their experience with Heart Rhythm Meditation.
I have tried different forms of meditation since my teens and I have been practicing Heart Rhythm Meditation for 2 or 3 weeks now and I found that I gravitate to the square breath meditation as taught in your download class. I bring my awareness to the heart, it’s energy, and I feel as though I am centered in the Heart. From there I feel the heart breathing in and I try to feel the actual heart beat as compared to the pulse. I am surprised at how effectively I am able to get centered in the heart and be with the energy there.
I am gradually reading the first of the 3 books on Heart Rhythm Meditation (Living from the Heart) and am going through it slowly –only around 60 pages so far. So your download course has been my instruction and it has been successful ..I am gradually adopting to this new type of mediation for me .. thanks to the jump start I received from your classes. –Arnold
I wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed your HRM classes. Please feel free to share my meditation testimonials with others. Not only did I enjoy the meditations but I found it very interesting to learn about the dimensions of the heart. Your class was very informative, interesting and helpful. Thank you!
–Mary Kay
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Have you tried Heart Rhythm Meditation? Have you downloaded one of the courses from our website and used these meditations? Do you have a question about Heart Rhythm Meditation? Please share your story or ask your questions here.
Others will benefit from you sharing. And you’ll have your own webpage that you can share with your friends and family if you like.
Curtis, I want to let you know how Heart Meditation Class has benefited me. The classes I have taken from you have been extremely beneficial to my overall well being. I am more calm, serene and stay in the present moment more than I did prior to your classes. I am more aware of my thoughts how they effect my well being and particularly how the breath and heart beat are so crucial to a healthy body and mind. We so take our breath and heart beat for granted and yet they are the essential part of our living.
I was looking for a tool to relieve stress and lower blood pressure. I heart about Heart Rhythm Meditation from Curtis, and after the first lesson, I realized I had forgotten how to breathe. Quick, shallow breaths had become my norm. Through HRM I re-learned how to stop, breathe deeply, center myself and focus in almost any situation.
I keep wanting things to get back to normal but it seems there is no normal. Doing the Heart Meditation has helped me let go of things and de-clutter my life and my house. Hoarding old and useless things in my house and in my head was causing tension and anger in my life. Releasing these feelings and a lot of junk also released the constant tension and let me be in control. So I thank you and keep up the good work you are doing.
Thank you Curtis for creating a quiet oasis with Heart Rhythm Meditation class. You can share my meditation testimonials with others too. Your course gave me a space to explore my heart, not so much the physical but greater awareness of the emotional-energetic. Coordinating the heartbeat with the breath along with the four elements created a connection with ancient practices, enhancing the sense that we truly are “one”. More important, it gave me another tool to assist in “Living From the Heart”.
I am still amazed by the different ways of breathing and the impact that has. I especially like the water breath.
I enjoyed learning how the heart connects with the mind and the huge healing capacity it has.
I feel I have more control over my thoughts, mind and ability to stay healthy.
I enjoyed learning how to connect with my breath and relaxing.
The practices I learned in your class helped me with anxiety and stress issues. Thank you for that.
I lowered my blood pressure by learning Heart Rhythm Meditation from Curtis
Learning how to meditate gets easier with time
I feel it is easier to get in a relaxed state due to learning how to meditate.
Heart Rhythm Meditation has helped my overcome arrhythmia and high blood pressure. It gives me power to voice my heart rather than my mind. My relationships are better, more open, trusting and empathetic.
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