The best heart meditation sites on the web are presented here for you to enjoy. I have personal relationships with most of these sites and the wonderful people who are behind them.
There are many meditation sites on the web and that is a great thing. Meditation is becoming more mainstream and this means a larger group of people will learn meditation.
As a global increase in meditators occurs, this will transform the global consciousness that we are all part of. And this transformation in consciousness is deeply needed for our planet and all of us.
Meditation From Around the Web is a fabulous, comprehensive site about Living from the Heart. Richard Shelquist has a tremendous knowledge and love for the Divine Heart and for life, meditation and spirituality. Bookmark his site and enjoy traveling around it to find all kinds of gems.
Check out Journey of the Heart Poems from Wahiduddin. They are awesome and powerful and healing.
I was trained in Heart Rhythm Meditation by Sufi Masters and Mystics, Puran and Susanna Bair of the Institute for Applied Meditation. These are true heart masters, trained by Pir Vilayat Khan in the art and science of heart rhythm meditation.
Teach Me How to Meditate with Heart is our signature eCourse is about Heart Rhythm Meditation as I learned it from IamHeart. They have lots of great programs and even web courses they offer on the Spiritual path of the heart. Explore and enjoy.
I have had the privilege of meeting and working with E from LIFE IS HEART in Boulder, Colorado. His organization teaches others how to use the heart to transition in these changing times. They offer wonderful courses and practices on a donation basis to those who desire to empower their lives through the heart.
This Meditation site offers the best meditation courses you can purchase and use with your computer. Featuring Deepak Chopra as their meditation expert, along with other great guides and gurus (like Dr Andrew Weil), you can journey through mystical realms on your computer while your heart rhythms are reflected back to you through their patented bio-feedback sensors.
You will learn from the best. Learn this ancient practice much more quickly with this great technology in the comfort of home. You really know when you are doing the meditation practices right because you see exactly what is going on inside you while you are meditating. Wonderful stuff.
Here’s another page on our website here all about Wild Divine and their biofeedback meditation products.
Heart Mastery Program
HeartMath has pioneered research into the heart-brain connection for over twenty years. The emWave heart rhythm biofeedback device is used by thousands of people all over the world in every field imaginable.
This is one of their newest programs which has different pieces that you can choose from. Guaranteed to change your life for the better.
Heart Mastery Program – HeartMath
Although not technically a meditation site, this link is here because it gets right to the heart of the matter. HeartMath has done some amazing work and research on the human heart and their heart mastery programs are state of the art. You will learn practices in this program that will help you meditate with heart and you will grow and enjoy great peace with these practices.
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