Learning meditation is very satisfying and very valuable. It’s something that takes just a little bit of time to learn and then you can do it whenever you want.
Learning Heart Meditation changes your consciousness. Interestingly, you will open up more of your unconscious mind to the creative field by focusing on your heart.
Your heart is your central guidance system. You feel your body better. Your mind settles. Your breathing is deeper and slower. You enter the meditative state.
To get the best results from learning meditation you should try to learn a particular type of meditation and then stick to it. If you like a style of meditation then you can stay with that for your practices. I recommend you start with 5 minutes daily and work up to 20 minutes a day .
Heart Rhythm Meditation links your breath rate to your heart rate and develops a powerful and rhythmic heartbeat with practice. This type of meditation connects your heart and mind so that you can live from the heart, act from the heart, and speak from the heart.
Learning Meditation Online
You can learn heart rhythm meditation online with my newly designed and updated course which is now all available online. It’s a great way to walk through about 8 weeks of step-by-step practices that focus on teaching you how to meditate using heart rhythm meditation practices.
Wild Divine Meditation Journeys with Bio-feedback
Wild Divine Online is another great option for learning meditation or for enhancing your existing meditation practices. I first learned about this from my interest in Dr. Deepak Chopra. Dr Chopra teamed up with the entrepreneurs at Wild Divine to help develop software that works with bio-feedback attached to your body.
The bio-feedback they use is based on the science of Heart Rate Variability (HRV). HRV is the beat-to-beat changes in your heartbeat. This data from your heartbeat is graphed in a way that shows you the rhythms of your heart over time.
Your heart rhythms show you your emotional state. In this HRV graph you see on the left heart rhythms that are uneven and spike up and down. This shows a heartbeat reflecting stress and/or frustration. The breathing pattern that leads to this type of HRV is unconscious, shallow and not helpful to your mental and/or emotional state.
The right side of the graph shows smooth, regular, deep waves. This is the HRV of a person who’s heartbeat is strong and regular. A healthy heart rate is one that has good variability (from low to high) and is regular and repetitive. This represents a state called Heart Coherence which is a state of heart health and vitality.
Let Dr Deepak Chopra, Dr Dean Ornish, Dr Andrew Weil and other meditation experts guide you on your journey to learning meditation and the control of your own mind.
These Inner-Active Computer Adventures require you to use your mind and feeling state to advance and gain control. Your fingers are connected through iOM Technology Sensors. A sensor connects to your earlobe and reads your heart rate variability and also reads your skin temperature.
Related Articles:
Heartmath – Leading experts in heart intelligence and heart rate variability tools and research.
Heart Rhythm Meditation Easy Techniques – Free online guided practice in the basics of heart rhythm meditaiton.
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