Heart vitamins and related antioxidant nutrients should be part of our healthy heart diet. Though not a substitute for poor eating, heart vitamins play an important role in antiaging and heart health. Health is an individual responsibility. It is up to you to learn how to protect and maintain your own health.
Medical science has developed alot of great vitamins and nutrients and we have lots of choices in the marketplace. But it’s very difficult to know what Vitamins & Supplements You Should Be Taking.
Our primary care doctors are not very knowledgeable or informative about vitamins and supplements. They mostly specialize in drugs. But drugs can have side-effects and other problems with long-term usage.
Vitamins and supplements are like lower doses of drugs. The idea is to take just the minimum of what will help your own healing system. You don’t want to take alot of vitamins and supplements because more is better. It is not a good idea.
So who can we turn to for advice. I recommend Dr. Andrew Weil, founder of the Institute for Integrative Medicine in Tucson, Arizona. One of the foremost Integrative medicine doctors in the world, Dr. Weil is known internationally for his research and work in the field of alternative medicine.
And actually, what used to be called alternative medicine is now more accurately described as integrative medicine. This is a good thing because our heart health is a function of an integrated health plan. Our diets, exercise, and multi-vitamins help build our overall health.
Dr. Weil recommends that everyone take a daily multivitamin-multimineral supplement. This will help fill in the gaps in our dietary deficiencies. Most of us don’t eat well enough to get all the vitamins and minerals we need from our foods. We should try to eat as well as we can but supplementation can help us prevent aging and heart diseases.
You get antioxidant protection from eating fruits and vegetables, from tea, dark chocolate, nuts, red wine, olive oil and other heart healthy herbs and vitamins. You should also consider a few natural products that provide additional support for your immune system. This could be anything from Co-Q-10 which is known for its heart healing properties, to Grape seed extract and pine bark extract and much more. This is challenging for anyone to know what to take.
Medicine of the Future
The future of medicine has arrived and is available to those who seek it. Today’s doctors of integrative medicine are practicing prevention-oriented, more natural and cost-effective medicine.
Supplementation with vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, and other natural products can promote health, prevent disease, and contribute to successful treatment. Ideally, we would get all our nutrients from our diet. Supplements are not substitutes for real foods like fruits and vegetables.
Supplement Confusion
Most people are confused about heart vitamins and other dietary supplements. There’s alot of contradictory information and also misinformation in the marketplace. We get drug recommendations from TV commercials, and vitamin and herbal recommendations from health food store clerks.
My best recommendation for heart vitamins is to visit Doctor Andrew Weil’s Vitamin Advisor. Take a simple 4 part questionnaire about your health and receive a personalized and customized recommendation for the vitamins and supplements that will best benefit your heart and overall health.
Dr Weil is a graduate of Harvard Medical School and practically invented the term integrative medicine with it’s focus on prevention. His work on the mind-body relationship, vitamins and supplements, and preventative medicine have all been groundbreaking. He is the author of five consecutive #1 New York Times bestsellers, inclding Healthy Aging, and Spontaneous Healing.
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