The following healthy heart facts will give you a perspective on how you are currently doing with your heart health.
Over forty million people in the U.S. suffer from diagnosed cardiovascular disease, and more don’t yet know that they have a heart problem. Sixty million people have high blood pressure. Eighty million have high cholesterol.
check out this really neat slideshow about the human cardiovascular system from The Visual MD.
Visualization is courtesy of Over 1.5 million Americans have heart attacks every year. And for almost one third of them, having a heart attack was their first indication that they had a heart problem–clearly, not the best way to find out. — Dr Dean Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart Disease
Watch this excellent Video called I Need a Miracle about reversing heart disease. Featuring John Barlow, former wild-man and song-writer for the Grateful Dead.
Learn the ABCs of preventing heart attack, stroke, and heart disease from the American Heart Institute guidelines for Healthy Heart Month. Lifestyle factors play a major role in these statistics. And increasing evidence suggest that medications to lower blood pressure and cholesterol prevent or reverse heart disease in only a small percentage of people.
Here are ten more facts that you might actually find encouraging
1. 30 minutes walking every day helps prevent heart disease.
2. Start caring about your health now–before your heart troubles spin out of control!
3. Heart disease is the biggest killer for women and can affect them as well as men.
4. Smokers are up to six times more likely than nonsmokers to suffer a heart attack.
5. Heart Healthy Diet, exercise, and stress-reduction can go a long way toward preventing and treating heart disease.
6. Alcohol, in moderate doses- such as one to two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women- can protect your heart by raising good HDL cholesterol and reducing plaque. Heart healthy Wines seems to be one of your best bets for a heart healthy drink. But if you don’t currently drink, don’t start.
7. Check your pressure regularly, especially if you have other risk factors for heart disease. Learn how to lower blood pressure with natural remedies.
8. Adults with diabetes are two to four times more likely to die from heart disease than adults without diabetes.
9. A predictor of heart disease is the ratio of your waist size to your hip size–if your waist is wider than your hips, it’s time to trim down.
10. Keeping track of your heart health means you have to focus on some numbers.
- Your cholesterol level
- fasting glucose level
- manage blood pressure
- weight
- waist and hip measurements
These healthy heart facts are meant to increase awareness, which can be healing in itself.
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