Learn to control your energy through guided imagery meditation and transform stress into healthy, creative energy. Discover how to direct and control the images that your mind sends to your body.
Help your body and mind to work together and enjoy optimal health and well being.
Just close your eyes and let your guide give you practices and visualizations to do. It is simple and enjoyable to learn this way. Even myself, as an experienced meditator, enjoy letting someone else guide a meditation. I find it very relaxing and allows me to fully focus on my own meditation.
Guided imagery has been used as a healing tool in many cultures. It is also known as visualization or guided meditation, imagination or even positive thinking. It is used often in the healing process. It is very helpful in bringing about a state of calm or wellness.
Guided Imagery and Healing
What is Guided Imagery Meditation?
If a picture is worth a thousand words then guided imagery meditation must be very valuable! Guided imagery can be thought of as taking your mind for a walk through a scene to achieve a desired result.
In heart meditation practice we imagine that our hearts are breathing. We imagine light coming out of our hearts and being able to touch our hearts with our breath.
You might use guided imagery specifically to lower your blood pressure or to reduce anxiety. Guided imagery relaxation can help you do this faster than you might think.
Once you learn some basic techniques you will feel the difference in your body. There are also biofeedback devices that you can buy and use which will show you exactly how you are doing while you are doing it.
Dr Andrew Weil, is an American pioneer in the field of Integrative Medicine and one of our most important leaders in the field of healthy and healing. He says the mind’s eye has a special relationship with the healing system.
Our society tends to look upon visual imagery as daydreaming in children and we often de-value the power and use of this natural trait we have.
Dr Weil says you can learn the power of guided imagery therapy by working with specialists like Hypnotherapists, Visualization Therapists and Guided Imagery Specialists.
Once you master a technique, you can practice it on your own. Dr Weil places particular emphasis on images that have an emotional charge. I recommend positive images like appreciation and gratitude. These are good for the heart.
No disease process is beyond the reach of these therapies. They are powerful and they work!
Dr Weil’s book Spontaneous Healing is a classic that everyone should read. In it he discusses how to enhance your body’s natural ability to maintain and heal itself. It is a fantastic resource and I highly recommend it for your personal library.
Guided imagery meditation gives us a great opportunity to visualize anything we want or need. It puts us in the perfect frame of mind for attracting what we want to attract, be that healing, wealth, relationships, etc. If you’ve heard about the Law of Attraction or manifestation or The Secret then you are familiar with the concept of imagery.
Our thoughts and feelings influence our lives. What we think about and imagine becomes reality at some point. Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge.
Guided Imagery Meditation
Guided Imagery Meditation is a process of being both quiet and alert at the same time. It is an expanded state of awareness or consciousness. It is a technique to break addiction to thought. It is directed concentration.
By sitting and trying to maintain the focus of concentration on some object like the breath, bodily sensations, or a visual image, you learn to control attention and keep it in one place.
An effective guide will teach you a simple pathway to a meditative state, as well as help you experience being in that state. Once you have experienced what it feels like to be in the natural state of meditation, and learned the path to it, it is easy for you to take yourself there.
Meditation practice is both simple and difficult: simple because the method is simply maintaining focused attention, and hard because it requires changing lifelong habits of letting the mind wander where it wants, especially into thoughts.
The real goal of meditation practice is to do it constantly, to practice meditation in action as you move through the world. Even if you are not ready to undertake that sort of training, you can begin by trying to move your attention to your body or your breath whenever you remember to do so.
My Recommendations for You:
Who Uses Guided Imagery?
- Athletes use visualization and breathing techniques to visualize their performance.
- Leaders of any kind use creative visualization to empower and direct their organizations.
- People with ailments or diseases use it for healing or pain management.
- Children and adults can learn to manage stress and anxiety.
Other Uses for Guided Imagery Meditation:
- relaxation
- better sleep
- stress reduction, relief, and management
- pain management
- improved mental health
- improved physical health
- better focus and concentration
- reduction of anxiety and depression
- reduction of irritability and anger
- reduction of blood pressure
- relief from digestive problems
- reduced hormonal imbalances
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