Print this free online meditation as a reference if you like. And be sure to listen to the 15 minute audio version on this page below. That’s probably the best way to try heart rhythm meditation now.
In Heart Rhythm Practice you become conscious of your heartbeat and your breathing. The way it starts is by breathing rhythmically. To do that you make your inhales and exhales the same length. You will do that by feeling your pulse (on the wrist or neck) or your heartbeat. I’ll explain more on that below.
It’s simple really and takes only a bit of practice to master. By listening to your heartbeat, you strengthen your heart. By harmonizing your breath and heartbeat (called Entrainment), you create a powerful rhythm in your body that strengthens your heart by creating cardiac coherence.
This is a complete Heart Rhythm Meditation practice. It’s about 12 minutes. All other Heart Rhythm Meditations are based on this basic practice. Sit upright in your chair or bench, close your eyes and follow along with this guided meditation. It is a powerful practice that will have you meditating. Give it a try.
Coherence is a harmonious state where our hearts, minds and bodies are united in a feeling of wholeness. It may also be called The Zone, The Flow, Oneness, or the Universal Heart. It is here that we feel connected to our deepest selves, to others, to the earth, and to the universe.
HRM is typically practiced for 20 minutes a day. Beginners can start out with less than that and work up to 20 minutes over time. I find it helpful to set a meditation timer of some kind and make a goal like 10 minutes. Then practice until the timer goes off. It is interesting how time seems to pass quickly at times and slowly other times. The timer will tell you when you can stop.
This free online meditation should be done sitting quietly with no music or other noise (as much as possible), and comfortably in a chair with the eyes closed.
Preparing for Heart Rhythm Meditation
Begin this free online meditation by closing your eyes and enjoy turning your attention within. Cultivate a sense of inner stillness and rootedness in the sitting posture. You are vast, yet grounded. This is called the Monolithic State.
Begin to simply notice your breathing patterns — the inhales, exhales, the turn-around between inhale and exhale… Continue this for several breath cycles.
Gently Intervene in your breathing pattern by extending your exhale, making it several seconds longer and more complete than usual. Continue this for several breath cycles. The second intervention into your normal breathing is to extend your inhale to be longer and deeper than usual, and similar in length to the exhale. Continue this for 5-10 minutes. This is called the Full Conscious Breath. You are focused on your breathing and are making the inhales and exhales deeper, slower, quieter, and more rhythmic.
The 3rd intervention, is hold your full inhale for several extra seconds and give full attention to your heart — listening and feeling “inside” for the sensation of the heartbeat. The full lungs amplify the sensation of the heartbeat. In addition, you can place your palm or fingertips over your heart or contact your pulse at your wrist or throat. This is called Heartbeat/Pulse Awareness.
Once you have regular contact with the pulse/heartbeat, drop the “hold” after your inhale. Use the rhythm of your heartbeat/pulse to make your inhales and exhales the same length, about 6-8 beats each. So you exhale 2,3,4,5,6 and you inhale 2,3,4,5,6 using your own pulse or heartbeat to count. This balances your breath, which is important for meditation, and it centers you in your heart, which we are trying to do. Enjoy the synchronicity of breath and heart! This is called the Full Rhythmic Breath.
Concluding a Heart Rhythm Meditation (HRM) Session
- Return to simple awareness of your breath. Return to normal breathing.
- Take a few breath cycles to observe any physical or emotional effects of the practice.
- Thank yourself for setting aside this time to practice, and to your heart and breath for sustaining you.
- Gently move, stretch and reflect on the day ahead. Consider opportunities to use this free online meditation in upcoming situations to benefit yourself and others.
3 1/2 minute Guided Meditation for Your Heart
This is the short version of the free online meditation above. Try it and enjoy. Sometimes a short meditation is better than no meditation at all 🙂
See Also:
All About Heart Rhythm Meditation
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