by Arnold
(Greece, NY, USA)
I have tried different forms of meditation since my teens and I have been practicing Heart Rhythm Meditation for 2 or 3 weeks now and I found that I gravitate to the square breath meditation as taught in your download class. I sit in the normal meditation posture on a chair, I breath in usually 10-15 beats in then hold the breath 20 – 30 beats then breath out for 10 – 15 beats. I bring my awareness to the heart, it’s energy and I feel as though I am centered in the Heart. From there I feel the heart breathing in and out and while I hold the breath I try to feel the actual heart beat as compared to the pulse. I am surprised at how effectively I am able to get centered in the heart and be with the energy there ..
I am gradually reading the first of the 3 books on Heart Rhythm Meditation but I am going through it slowly –only around 60 pages so far because I have another book I need to read at the same time. So your classes have been my instruction and it has been successful ..I am gradually adopting to this new type of mediation for me .. thanks to the jump start I received from your classes . .