The heart is the seat of your emotional body. Your core self is located in the heart. When you focus on your heart you bring your attention to your body. This is healthful to do.
By concentrating on your heart you become aware of your emotional heart. And your heart has a very different perspective on your life. You can acquire that point-of-view by going within and identifying with the feelings of your heart.
Meditation for Emotional Self Control
(2 minutes and 39 seconds)
- Sit on a chair or cushion and hold your spine erect but relaxed.
- Try to keep your body still in a meditative position. Sit in a Royal Posture like a King or Queen on a throne.
- Close your eyes if possible.
- Connect with your breath and notice your normal inhales and exhales. Notice that you are breathing.
- Breathe more slowly, deeply, and more rhythmically.
- Focus your attention on your heart area in the middle of your chest.
- Imagine that your breath is flowing in and out of your heart.
- Notice any thoughts you may have and release them.
- Notice any feelings or sensations that arise in your body and allow them to be.
- Do not act upon your thoughts or emotions while in meditation.
- Consider that your emotions have a message for you.
- You stay focused on your breath and your heart area.
- Try to feel your heartbeat or pulse in your body.
- Tune in to its slower rhythm and stay centered in it.
- You are in your body, present to your breath and pulse.
- You are in control of your emotions through control of your breath.
- Continue to breathe slowly, deeply and rhythmically and stay focused on your breath.
- You are now transforming your emotions into positive energy.
- Feel the appreciation your heart has for the breath and attention you have given it.
- Hold that feeling of appreciation in your heart space as long as you like.
- When you are ready you can gently stretch in your chair and slowly open your eyes.
- Thank you.
Peace is the combination of all emotions, and all emotions are assimilated within peace.Puran Bair, Living From The Heart
Consider the emotional energy of your heart to be a valuable resource. Try to hold your emotion within your heart without expression (during meditation). This makes the heart more powerful.
Best Tools for Emotional Self-Control
Here are my suggestions to help you develop your own emotional self control and to improve your heart health dramatically.
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