Dr Deepak Chopra founded the Chopra Center for Wellbeing which helps people with self-healing, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
His programs integrate the best in healing arts from the Eastern and Western medicine.
In a question and answer session, Dr Deepak Chopra spoke about the secrets of meditation in a conversation with the CEO of Wild Divine, which creates meditation and biofeedback games.
This is a comprehensive meditation package on CDs and also Online that also comes with the IOM Bio-Feedback earlobe attachment which you use with the meditations. This records your heart rate variability and also your skin temperature which is then used in fun and creative ways to help you learn how to meditate and take more control of your internal world!
Isn’t that great? From that internal data you get instant feedback to your practices. The games are designed to take you from beginning steps to advanced and you get feedback all the way.
You may need to open a mystical doorway with your breath or juggle some balls with your mind. These are mystical adventures where you learn and experience peace, happiness and self control. These practices are also healing to you on every level of your being.
Meditation Questions for Dr Deepak Chopra
Here’s what Dr. Chopra has to say about the secrets of meditation:
Q: How do I know if I’m doing it right?
Deepak Chopra: You feel less anxiety, light hearted, with more love, compassion and kindness. There is more order and harmony in your environment.
Q: Do I need a teacher?
A: In the past, yes. In the age of technology we have better methods of imparting instruction, but you might want to validate your experiences by talking with a teacher.
Q: What is the purpose of meditation?
A: The purpose is not to tune out but to tune in. The purpose is not to get away from it all but get in touch with it all. You want to discover your own self which is part of the Divine.
Q: How is meditation different from relaxation?
A: Meditation is a deeper state of consciousness. Relaxation is the prelude to meditation.
Q: Do you recommend meditation for children and teens?
A: After age 6, any technique that can be taught to adults can be taught to children. Before age 6 children can be taught to maintain silence for 5 minutes.
Q: What are Mantras and Sutras?
A: Mantras are sounds or thoughts without meaning. They are transcending sounds beyond mind. Sutras are subtle intentions to organize fulfillment in the field of possibilities. There are thousands of mantras which come from the Vedic Wisdom Tradition of India.
Q: What are the benefits of meditation for older adults?
A: Older adults get the same benefits as younger adults. Meditation improves memory, digestion, overall health, and decreases requirements for medication.
Q: What are some of your favorite Books?
A: The Story of Philosophy and the Bhagavad Gita.
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