You can download free meditation music right here. I will try to provide a good mixture of meditation music that you can listen to and enjoy.
According to Hazrat Inayat Khan To attain spirituality is to realize that the whole universe is one symphony in which every individual is one note. His happiness lies in becoming perfectly harmonious with the symphony of the universe.
What does music teach us? It helps train ourselves in harmony. When you hear music you enjoy, it tunes you and puts you in harmony with life. HIK
Music helps us concentrate and meditate independently of thought. It can be a bridge between form and formlessness.
Download free meditation music below.
Free Guided Meditation
Download free meditation music from the world’s most comprehensive guided meditation website. Try Guided Imagery meditations, heart chakra music, guided meditations, soothing meditation music, sleep aid music, and more. You can even create your own guided meditation music. Hint: look for the Freebies link on the lower left navigation bar.
Radio Sri Chinmoy
A collection of Sri Chinmoy’s songs, arranged for voice and instruments.
Sri Chinmoy (1931-2007) was a contemporary Spiritual Teacher seeking to inspire others through his writings and music. Sri Chinmoy emphasized both the ancient Eastern arts of yoga / meditation and also leading a dynamic outer life. His yoga could be termed “integral yoga” – seeking to balance the benefits of meditation with offering service to others.
Sri Chinmoy himself was a remarkable example of the outer capacities that can flow from an inner life of prayer and meditation. Sri Chinmoy was a noted musician, having composed over 17,000 songs in both English and his native Bengali. During the past 20 years Sri Chinmoy offered 777 concerts of meditative music.
Sri Chinmoy said that through his music he is seeking to offer a message of outer harmony and inner peace.
If you can create harmonyIn your own life,This harmony will enterInto the vast world. –Sri Chinmoy
A Musical Celebration of the Beloved
Songs by Wahiduddin.
The following devotional songs are Richard (wahiduddin) and his guitar. They are songs of worship, prayers and praise of the Almighty.
These songs are based on sacred phrases and sacred ideals that have had powerful spiritual influences in my life, and they are offered freely as a celebration of the Divine.
Some of the words and ideals are expressed in English, some in Arabic, some in Sanskrit and some in Hindi, but no matter what the language, these songs are dedicated to the glorious ideals of Love, Harmony and Beauty.
If you want to download some free meditation music, then this will give you a good feel for some devotional music of the heart.
Pandora Internet Radio
Pandora Radio is an automated music recommendation service. Users enter a song or artist that they enjoy, and the service responds by playing selections that are musically similar. Users provide feedback on approval or disapproval of individual songs, which Pandora takes into account for future selections. Enjoy!
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