Susanna Bair
“Building the Culture of the Heart” is a new workshop (2016) by Susanna Bair of the Institute for Applied Meditation. This new all-day presentation is being taken around the country over the coming months and also Canada and the UK.
Susanna Bair, a masterful meditation teacher and healer, is once again taking a message of love, harmony and beauty into the world to share and expand the culture of the heart.
The presentation was in front of about 30 people in Tucson. I was in attendance. The first hour and a half was a free presentation and a few people in the audience were there only for that. After the free presentation, the rest of the day was spent in meditation and discussion about happiness, relationships and accomplishment.

Denmark Cycling
“By creating happiness, one fulfills one’s purpose in life.” – Hafiz
We can create a happier and healthier world. But how?
Susanna started by showing a slide that listed the happiest countries in the world. The happiest country was Denmark, followed by several other European countries and even Canada #7. The U.S. was listed at #13, slightly ahead of Mexico.
A study was mentioned which said that people don’t like inequality in their countries and this is a factor in happiness. It was noted that 4 countries have a Happiness Minister! We need one of those in the U.S.
87% of employees worldwide report feeling disengaged from their job. This is a finding at happiness.com. Change begins at home and with all employees and organizations.
The next part of the workshop on building the culture of the heart was about relationships. “Good relationships keep us happier and healthier” according to Robert Waldinger in his TED talk about his findings from a 75-year-long Harvard study on adult happiness in men.
Relationships create the fabric of our lives, Susanna said. We weave our experiences into a pattern which is our unique pattern. We should strive to make it beautiful. Our hearts will give us everything we need so we should energize our hearts and heal the wounds of our hearts. We can do this through heart rhythm meditation which is taught at the Institute of Applied Meditation through personal training, web-courses, CDs and books and now also the University of the Heart.
Explore your heart to find your talent. In Building the Culture of the Heart, Susanna mentioned the Parable of Talents, mentioned in the bible. In that, Jesus tells of the importance of us using our God given talents. We are a resource of the universe and we need to feed our hearts and each others hearts, she explained.
We need to be specific and learn to set one specific goal at a time. It’s not good to be undefined or uncommitted.
Also, we should be wise about taking risks. We should take risks, but not recklessly. Susanna said that when the heart knows what to do, it becomes fearless!
More Information on the Culture of the Heart Tour
The Culture of the Heart Tour dates can be found on the IAMHeart website along with more information about the Institute for Applied Meditation and the University of the Heart.
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