The best biofeedback games that I know of comes from HeartMath.
Inner Balance (shown above) is one of their main products now and connects to any smart phone and allows you to measure your HRV or Heart Rate Variability.
You know those days when things just seem to flow? Days when you are productive, focused, and in a great mood—WITHOUT even trying? That is what coherence is all about. Sometimes referred to as being in the Zone. This is measurable and desirable.
Find out what an optimal heart and mind connection can do for your health and happiness.
Biofeedback games like Inner Balance teach you to control what your thoughts and emotions do. You learn about your mind-body relationship in a powerful and satisfying way. You can learn relaxation and meditation techniques that previously took much longer to learn.
The emWave2 Personal Stress Reliever
The emWave2 is a simple, easy to use interactive software program that displays your heart rhythms and shows you how stress may be affecting you. Much more than a heart monitor this amazing technology helps you transform stress and anxiety into positive energy for personal and professional effectiveness.
I have enjoyed using both of these biofeedback games and practices for several years now and don’t get tired of using them. I love to check in with my internal state to help with my meditations or just to make sure I’m managing my stress levels. And I use the games to relax too.
The HeartMath emWave is a scientifically validated personal stress relieving system that teaches you techniques and games to help you create an optimal state in which your heart, mind and emotions are operating in-sync and balanced. This is achieved through a process which displays your heart rhythm patterns in real time showing you when you are in this high performance state.
This is called Coherence. Your goal is to learn how to create high personal coherence.
This is the handheld version of the emWave and many people love it because it’s portable. You can use it anytime to de-stress or re-energize yourself or to get into the Zone for any project or activity.
emWave Pro
The emWave Pro is the complete computer-based device which can also be used by therapists and other healers. It has the heart rate variability monitor which is very helpful and interesting to look at while you do your coherence practices. It has different views you can see like the pulse wave indicator. This allows you to see your pulse wave along with your heart rate variability wave and coherence ratio graphs.
Tools for Success
- Real-Time Heart Rate Variability feedback
- Four challenge levels to help you raise your baseline coherence levels
- Coherence Coach® tutorial for learning and applying the Quick Coherence® technique
- Interactive Games that help you transform stress into creative energy
- Emotion Visualizer® provides stunning colorful images which vary according to your emotional state and coherence level.
- Data storage showing coherence levels for session and history review
- An action plan which gives you a map to increasing your coherence levels
- Free online webinars and support teach you more about using your new emWave
Revitalize and Rejuvenate
- Quickly center yourself, and calm your emotions.
- Build heart resilience through increased HRV.
- Energize your heart and improve your optimism.
- Connect with your intuitive heart wisdom.
- Increase your concentration and improve your performance.
- Be less reactive, think more clearly, make better decisions.
- Gain a new confidence in your ability to meet what life brings you.
The Biofeedback Games Include
Three colorful interactive biofeedback games designed to help you build focus and coherence.
Balloon Game Take a trip around the world on a hot air balloon. The balloon will rise, fall, speed up and slow down as your coherence level changes. The more you are in Medium and/or High Coherence the faster the balloon will fly and the closer you will get to the end (10 min game).
Rainbow Game Fill the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow by achieving and sustaining Medium and/or High coherence. The rainbow will slowly descend towards the pot if you are in Medium and/or high Coherence but will retract if you are in Low Coherence (5 min game).
Garden Game Achieve Medium or High Coherence and watch the garden transform, adding colors and images as you go. Keep an eye out for the fun surprise at the end.
Emotion Visualizer Four stunning colorful images that dynamically change according to your emotional state and coherence level. See my video demonstration of this below!
Categorized content sections with over 100 pages of reference information. Applications include Health and Well-Being, Health Professional, Sports Performance, Workplace Performance, and more.
Coherence Coach–An interactive program that uses audio instruction, visual images and a rhythm pacer for learning and practicing the Quick Coherence® Technique and improving coherence scores.
Safety Information: This physiological training tool may help you improve your health, and you may find you need less medication. If you are taking medications for stress, anxiety, pain, high blood pressure, diabetes or other stress-related disorders, please discuss any changes in your medication needs with your doctor.
Here’s a link to the emWave store if you are interested in checking it out further:
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