Andrew Weil Vitamins recommendations can be trusted. There’s so much information about vitamins and so many vitamin products on the market that it can be overwhelming.
Dr. Andrew Weil is one of the world’s leading experts in natural healing. He has studied and recommended vitamins and herbal supplements for many years through his practice at the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine which he founded.
Andrew Weil Vitamins Online Advisor recommends everyone take a good multivitamin because they give you good nutritional bang for the buck. Dr. Weil also says that this doesn’t give us the right to eat poorly afterwards however. The best way to get all of your daily vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients is to eat a variety of whole foods, especially fresh fruits and vegetables. But a multi-vitamin does give you some insurance against nutritional gaps in any diet.
Studies have shown that taking a daily multivitamin reduces heart attack risk and helps protect against colon cancer. it can also boost your immune function, especially in older people.
Dr. Weil says it’s especially important for people over 50 to take a daily multivitamin. Up to 30 percent of older adults can no longer adequately absorb vitamin B-12 from food, and the body’s ability to make vitamin D on exposure to sunlight declines dramatically with age.
The problem is that choosing which vitamins to take can be extremely confusing. With so many vitamin products and different combinations of ingredients, many people give up in frustration and buy the most heavily advertised brands. However the daily values for vitamins (which haven’t changed since the 1970s) may not reflect current thinking on the optimal amounts or types of nutrients to protect against chronic diseases.
The Vitamin Advisor
Fortunately Andrew Weil Vitamins can now be had through his Vitamin Advisor. This consists of a health and lifestyle questionnaire that takes about ten minutes to complete. It has been designed by Andrew Weil and his science advisory team and asks you questions about your diet, lifestyle habits, age, gender, current medications and a few other things that can affect your nutritional requirements.
Once you complete the survey your data is evaluated by a doctor-approved computer program which determines the mix of supplements that you need for optimal nutrition. This is really cool. You get a customized vitamin recommendation that you can trust and that integrates with your current lifestyle, diet and medications.
You can even ask questions of a certified Nutritionist to get more clarification about any questions you might have.
All profits from the sale of these vitamins go to a non-profit company called the Weil Foundation which supports integrative medicine through training, education and research. This is a passion of Andrew Weil, the education of Doctors, and patients in integrative health practices. It is what has made him an international expert in this field and you will find nobody more knowlegeable about vitamins and supplements for good health.
Click Here to get your FREE Vitamin Recommendation.
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