Congratulations for choosing these authentic meditation instructions. This practice begins your meditation journey for real and it’s the beginning of healing your whole heart. Your heart has led you to the right place.
Heart meditation is easy to learn and you can attain deep, satisfying meditations.
Heart meditation also gives you a new relationship with your heart.
We all hear that it’s important to listen to your heart or follow your heart. But we need the right tools to be able to do that. This meditation practice will connect you to your heart, and you will feel like you are re-connecting with an old friend.
The meditations you learn will show you how to go deep into your heart in a way that is creative, loving, and healing. You’ll get a quieter mind, a relaxed body and an expanding Spirit from this practice.
Human Heartbeat
The first sound an unborn child hears is the mother’s heartbeat. And the first organ to develop in the child is the heart. In Heart Rhythm Practice we give our breath and our attention to our hearts. You will come to be comforted by connecting with your heart through this Meditation.
Here’s 3 1/2 minutes of guided heart rhythm meditation instructions you can listen to. It’s the shortest and most to-the-point version of the meditation but it contains the essence of the practice.
3 1/2 minute Heart Rhythm Meditation
Place your hand over your heart. Hold it there and let your attention and awareness center there. Feel comforted by this simple act.
Think of your breath flowing in and out through your heart. As you are breathing in this way feel gratitude for your breath and your heart. Think of them as your two oldest friends.
Use this comforting practice anytime to quickly center and calm your emotions.
Authentic Meditation Instructions Find a Place to Sit
Find a place you can meditate. Ideally you want to select a place that you can dedicate to a daily practice. It can be located anywhere. You may want to try meditating in some different areas of your home and see how they feel. Eventually you will have one place that you most prefer to meditate.
I have several places where I meditate at home. I may meditate in one place for several months and then change to another. But I try not to jump around too much from place to place. The idea is to get somewhere that becomes your meditation area. Somewhere you can use regularly for your practice.
Following these simple meditation instructions, try and create a special meditation place by setting up a small table where you can place items of importance to you. Some ideas for that are a candle, incense, pictures, small stones or crystals, feathers, a plant, anything you want. This will make your meditation area more inviting. After a while it will call you to come sit. And you will go and sit! This is good. This is how you practice your meditation.
Recommended Times to Meditate
- In the morning before you start your day. Sunrise is a wonderful time to meditate but anytime before or after is great too. This is a great time to really set the tone for your day and tune yourself to your day’s priorities.
- In the late afternoon. Try a few minutes of meditation instead of a snack or a nap. It can get you over that afternoon crash that happens sometimes.
- In the evening around sunset is a great time to meditate. The energy is more mellow since the work day is past for most people and so the energy is quieter. If you are able to sit outside somewhere, that’s even better.
- Right before bed can be a great way to help you sleep better. You can even try laying in bed and meditating that way. You may just drift off to sleep which is the best way to fall asleep.
Just Sit
Listen to 5 minute guided meditation instructions on the posture. Follow along as you listen.
Notice that I am sitting in a chair. This is the recommended method for sitting in Heart Rhythm Meditation. If you are more comfortable sitting cross legged on the floor that is fine too. But there are reasons we use a chair in Heart Rhythm meditation. I always liked using a chair and it’s easier to sit in a chair than it is to sit on the floor most of the time.
This is known as the Royal Posture. You are engaged in a noble endeavor (this meditation) and your posture reflects this. This is the preferred meditation position for doing Heart Rhythm Meditation. Each step in the Heart Rhythm Meditation practice is identified by a physical or emotional experience that acts as a milestone. The first one we try for is called the “Monolithic Condition”. This is a state of magnetic stillness.
When this meditation posture is attained, it has the immediate effect of producing calm and peacefulness, tolerance and accommodation of others. You may also feel more sympathetic and helpful by following these meditation instructions.
Quiet the body. Sit in a meditation posture where it’s easy for you to meditate. Your spine will be available to you for your breathing practice. Follow these meditation instructions and feel the stillness come over you from the posture.
You can also use a pillow or a bench for this practice. Typically I’ve done this practice sitting in a chair. The main thing is to be able to sit comfortably for a period of time while keeping the spine straight and the chest open.
Try to have your heart center exposed forward so that you feel that you’re receiving energy through your heart just through your meditation posture.
Close your eyes and connect with your breath. Let your everyday breath just happen, as small or as intense as everyday breath might be. Allow your mind to do whatever it wants to do and try to completely focus on the breath. Being with your breath is like being with a good friend.
At this part of the practice we are just looking for a stillness of the body and for an inner awareness of yourself towards yourself. So you see what your mind does when you sit very still and how does your body react to sitting still.
Also look at how you feel and what your emotions do when you are so still. Just continue to focus on your breath and see what the response is of your emotions. Just keep following these simple meditation instructions.
You can sit like this for quite a while and just practice observing yourself without any other interventions. Continuously focusing on the breath.
We call this the monolithic state. If you hold this meditation position for a long time it is the first step in the breathing practice.
If you practice this every day, you will see some wonderful changes in your life because it’s the first step towards self-control and self-observance.
You are becoming aware of the processes that continuously happen inside yourself.
I offer a Heart Meditation Course and MP3s, all downloadable if you’d like to learn more about how to meditate with heart.
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